A.S. Monin & A.M. Obukhov, 1954. Basic laws of turbulent mixing in the surface layer of the atmosphere. Tr.Akad. Nauk SSSR Geophiz. Inst. 24(151): 163-187. [From translation to English by John Miller, 1959] Monin_and_Obukhov_1954.pdf
Keith McNaughton, 2009. The rise and fall of Monin-Obukhov theory. AsiaFlux Newsletter No 30. September, pp 1-4. Rise_and_Fall_of_MOST.pdf
K.G. McNaughton, 2011. The flow of mechanical energy in convective boundary layers. Boundary Layer Meteorology. McN_2011.pdf. Also available at Online First http://www.springerlink.com/content/100245/?Content+Status=Accepted
J. Laubach & K.G. McNaughton, 2009. Scaling properties of temperature spectra and heat flux cospectra in the surface friction layer beneath an unstable outer layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 133: 219-252. L_McN_2009.pdf
K.G. McNaughton, R.J. Clement & J.B. Moncrieff, 2007. Scaling properties of velocity and temperature spectra above the surface friction layer in a convective atmospheric boundary layer. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 14: 257-271. npg-14-257-2007.pdf
K. G. McNaughton, 2006. On the kinetic energy budget of the unstable atmospheric surface layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 118: 103-127. (pdf)
K. G. McNaughton, 2004. Turbulence structure of the unstable atmospheric surface layer and transition to the outer layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 112: 199-221.
K.G. McNaughton, 2004. Attached eddies and production spectra in the atmospheric logarithmic layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 111: 1-18.
K.G. McNaughton & Y. Brunet, 2002. Townsend's hypothesis, coherent structures and Monin-Obukhov similarity. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 102: 161-175. McN_B_2002.pdf
K.G. McNaughton & J. Laubach, 2000. Power spectra and cospectra for wind and scalars in a disturbed surface layer at the base of an advective inversion. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 96: 143-185. McN_L_BLM_2000.pdf
J. Laubach, K.G. McNaughton & J.D. Wilson, 2000. Heat and water vapour diffusivities near the base of a disturbed stable internal boundary layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 94: 23-63. L_et_al_BLM_2000.pdf
J. Laubach & K.G. McNaughton, 1998. A spectrum-independent procedure for correcting eddy fluxes measured with separated sensors. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 89: 445-467 L_McN_BLM_1998.pdf
K.G. McNaughton & J. Laubach, 1998. Unsteadiness as cause of non-equality of eddy diffusivities for heat and vapour at the base of an advective inversion. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 88: 479-504. McN_L_BLM_1998.pdf
K.G. McNaughton, 2010. Production and flow of turbulence kinetic energy in convective boundary layers. 19th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, American Meteorological Society, August 1 - 6, 2010. Keystone CO. Paper 2A.2. 21pp. 19BLT_2A2.pdf
Johannes Laubach and Keith G. McNaughton, 2008. Scaling properties of temperature spectra in the surface friction layer. Preprints, 18th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, American Meteorological Society 22-26 June, 2008. Stockholm, Sweden. Paper 5B.3, 24 pp. 18BLT_5Bp3.pdf
K.G. McNaughton, R. Clement and J. B. Moncrieff, 2006. Turbulence spectra above the surface friction layer in a convective boundary layer. Preprints, 17th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, American Meteorological Society 22-26 May, 2006. San Diego, USA. Paper 1.3, 7 pp. 17BLT_1p3.pdf
K.G. McNaughton, 2004. New models of the unstable atmospheric surface layer. Extended abstract, Sixth International Study Conference on GEWEX in Asia and GAME. 3-5 December, 2004. Kyoto, Japan. 6GAME_1p1.pdf
K.G. McNaughton, 2004. On the budget of turbulence kinetic energy in the unstable atmospheric surface layer. Preprints, 16th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, American Meteorological Society 9-13 August, 2004. Portland, ME. Paper 7.7. 16BLT_7p7.pdf
K.G. McNaughton, 2002. The shapes of the production regions of velocity spectra and cospectra in the neutral atmospheric surface layer. Preprints, 15th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, American Meteorological Society 15-19 July, 2002. Wageningen, Netherlands. Paper 8.1. 15BLT_8p1.pdf
K.G. McNaughton & R E Blundell, 2002. A model of the large-scale ramp structures observed in the atmospheric surface layer. Preprints, 15th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, American Meteorological Society 15-19 July, 2002. Wageningen, Netherlands. Paper 9.10. 15BLT9p10.pdf
K.G. McNaughton & Yves Brunet, 2000. Townsend's hypothesis, coherent structures and Monin-Obukhov similarity. Preprints, 14th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, American Meteorological Society 7-11 August, 2000. Aspen, Co.. Pp 27-30. 14BLT_1p8.pdf
Y. Malhi, K.G.McNaughton & C. von Randow, 2004. Low Frequency Atmospheric Transport and Surface Flux Measurements. In: Handbook of micrometeorology: a guide for surface flux measurements. Xuhui Lee, William Massman and Beverly Law (eds) Kluwer, Boston. Pp 101-118. 2004Handbook Micromet Malhi.pdf
P.G. Jarvis & K.G. McNaughton, 1986. Stomatal control of transpiration: scaling up from leaf to region. Advances in Ecological Research 15 : 1 - 49. JaM_1986.pdf